North Lambton Childcare Centre has a whole team of people to support your child and family. Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, with current parents as members, oversees the entire organization.
Our Head Office works as a support team to all our centres and programs and includes an Executive Director, a Bookkeeper and a Clerk.
Our Educators are the key to the quality of your child’s experience at NLCC.
Each of our child care sites have a Site Supervisor with Early Childhood Educators, registered with the College of ECE and experienced assistants.
Just as the children are always learning and growing, so are our staff. Our Registered ECE’s and assistants are encouraged to remain current in their knowledge of child development and best practices for your child’s care and education through professional learning experiences. All of our staff are trained in First Aid and CPR, and complete Police reference checks/vulnerable sector checks as per Ministry standards.
Our staff believe that children are capable and competent, curious and rich in potential.